Autograph Pens
- $1 Ea.
Staedtler Permanent Lumocolor Medium Point-Black
Writes on UV Coating with quick dry times and no smearing.
Include them with your order and avoid the extra shipping cost.
Electronic Images
- $15
Your image(s) saved to CD for future print and web use. Images are saved as JPEGS without border or text unless otherwise requested. $15 for the first image and $5 per additional image added to the same CD. Include them with your order and avoid the extra shipping cost.
- $25 on up
This covers ½ hour of work and will cover most fixes: Blemishes, removal or softening of lines, teeth and eye whitening, removal of dark circles, and fly- away hair, etc. Removal of braces, change of background, and larger fixes can take longer and would cost more. Once we see your image and your requests for retouching we can give you an accurate quote.
Black Line Borders
We can add a penline or a rough edged border around your image.
Color Text and Color Borders
We can create a colored border or colored text that will match a color in your image for maximum effect.
Photo credits
We can add your photographer’s information in small letters in the right hand border of your print.
Hard Copy Proofs
- $45 Deposit
We can create your headshot layout, print one copy and mail you the
finished product for your approval. We require a $45 deposit and if an order is placed we will apply the $45 to your order. (Please be advised that this will lengthen the turn around time on the final order.)
- $15
We can pad your prints by adding a rubber based product to the top edge which will allow you to tear off prints one by one.
- 20 cents each
If you supply us with your resume in a PDF (preferred) or Word Document, we can add your resume to the back of your prints for just 20 cents per copy. Word documents will need to be emailed separately from an order placed online. Please call us for email information
Also available:
Tri-Fold Brochures
Rack Cards
CD Covers
Trading Cards
Call us for pricing and we will be glad to help you!
Our speedy process assures you can start marketing your talent right away!